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Early Morning Don’t You Dare!

I Can’t Help It

The Rhyme Time section is supposed to be getting air play today but just ain’t feeling it yet.

I jump out of bed with a foot cramp this morning and can’t go back to sleep so I make coffee and start this nonsense. I am scraping any kind of schedule I thought I had and winging it free style for a bit to see how it works out, the cramp is gone I am however feeling the coffee and yes it hurts so good..

Tail Wagging Confusion

Wow, just about took off on a John Mellencamp revival, close but no cigar. Speaking of revivals I had a revelation yesterday and while feeling and looking good, my book came to a halt as I quickly pulled the emergency brake handle

I am very grateful for the mentors that have helped me figure this whole book thing out and the progress is spectacular from my altered view of things but… and a big but it is. I need to find out about page selection using the KDP cover template. I’m adding page after page in a chapter yesterday when it hits me that I am probably doing this wrong so hence the brakes.

Book of Blues

Could this become a “Book of Blues?” sure hope not. I had a divorce with Farcebook last week as naa, not going there this morning. Anyway Canva has a web page there that offers a lot of great info on using all sorts of tools but I will not/can not go over there to get any info so I am asking if any of you might have the answer. And I know it isn’t using ‘Word’

I used the KDP template for my book cover and when I use it for the pages to fill the book is the lay out the same for pages as it is for the cover meaning, is page 1 located on the right side when looking at the screen?

I’m hoping that this is correct as I have a chapter already done and don’t really want to start over again. if not, then I’m still good as I only have 1 chapter done and… coffee starting to kick here…Will it go round in circles?

Elephant in the room

So I feel like an elephant seeing a mouse in grandma’s’ living room filled with antiques ,in other words ‘Scared Shitless” and like that elephant I need to move but knowing I’ll wreck the decor and cause more mayhem if the right step is not taken next.

Left Foot Forward?

While I impatiently await the magical moment that insight or guidance will present and the mouse leaves me unharmed, I need to tear down the new tv I got before my surgery and box it up as the replacement arrives today! Good news I’m telling ya!

And throughout this mindless morning melancholy post I can only thank you guys for putting up with my rants regarding ridiculous resolutions concerning…WAIT! another damn foot cramp…lol

Have a great day my friends and may you enjoy good health, good humor, and good thoughts with maybe, just maybe a new prompt, NOT!

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4 responses to “Early Morning Don’t You Dare!”

  1. Willie Torres Jr. Avatar
    Willie Torres Jr.

    Great Post Brother. Oh how I hate those leg cramps. Ugh !! The worse ones are the ones that wake you up in your sleep. OUCH !!!

    Good news on the TV, Finally !!

    Are you using Microsoft Word to do your pages for your Book?

    Also , are you using KDP for your Cover Page and page inserts?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I tried Word but didn’t like it. I moved over to canva and have the cover done. The thing that got me is I’m doing my pages in the same format as my cover, 2 page template and wasn’t sure if that would be right when it is time to download and send it off for print. Got ahead of myself and that’s usually when i find those stumbling blocks. and yes i downloaded the KDP cover template for this. The tv is beautiful thank the lord for all theese blessings!!!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Willie Torres Jr. Avatar
        Willie Torres Jr.

        I haven’t really tried to commit to canva yet. It was a bit to difficult for me. I might give it another try.

        Glad the TV is working.

        Amen 🙏🤗 

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I got used to it pretty quick and found features that make it easier than word for me. I’m going to try the 30 day free pro edition later today and if it works out will keep it on a monthly basis.

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