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Navigating a Thursday Morning – Joining Kevin’s No Theme Thursday

Let’s Talk

Photo from Kevin @ The Beginning at Last for NTT

A Thursday morning breeze blows gently outside as I sit here anxiously awaiting to find out if I land the position of a contributing contestant of Kevin’s No Theme Thursday. Makes me giddy like a housewife watching “Let’s Make a Deal”

First down and ten to go. No it’s not football season yet and I not rushing the fall weather upon you. I’m talking about the jolt giving cup of “bean juice” I so enjoy in the mornings.

This is my first entry to Kevin’s NTT {No Theme Thursday} and the only thought presenting itself this morning is the unstable path of this altered mind trying to figure out where this post is going as I am once again running the ball straight up the middle. Coach, put me in and let me play baby!

And Just Like That…

It’s a different sport altogether and I find myself being out of bounds. Ok, no sweat. I’ll just bench myself for a couple of plays as I don’t feel like playing defense this early. In all jest maybe we could look at the beginning of this post in a different unrealistic view.


A Thursday morning breeze blows gently outside as I sit here anxiously awaiting to find out how long it takes for the sloth of thought processing to awaken and present itself with a “worthy idea to put in this post.

Shit somebody grab me a pencil, the thinking machine just ate the damn tape again! Maybe the time has arrived to seek outside assistance from a familiar source.

Hold Please

I read a post this morning that touched my inner thought processing data bank and had me quickly thinking of how much of an ass we can all become with the the dreaded contraption once upon a time called the “Party Line”

People get false courage when drinking to much and usually end up in trouble they really didn’t want or need but rather just answered the wrong call during the celebration of whatever.

On the phone however, false courage can and will roar it’s ugly head easier than a bullfrog can jump across lily pads unnoticed on a clear lake morning. After reading her post I realized how hurtful it is to the person on the other end of the evil talk box to receive the abuse of customers complaining about everything or getting frustrated with not getting the answer we so convincingly demand be the right one. I need to and will improve on this.

Up, Up, and Away

Photo 2 from from Kevin @ The Beginning at Last for NTT

The easy way out at this point would be to add a video of Led Zeppelin rocking for our delight. Shit why not?

Since this a first for me at Kevin’s NTT what would do this post more justice than this…the first song off the first album of the greatest band to ever put on a “Rock Show”

Enough is Enough

Photo 3 from from Kevin @ The Beginning at Last for NTT

As the sun brings us another beautiful beginning to the day I present another ending of relaxation for you by ending this altered journey into a new realm for me and the returning realm of a great idea from Kev. Fourth and goal on the 1 yard line.

Enjoy your day and thanx for sticking it out again, Dawgy Daddy

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12 responses to “Navigating a Thursday Morning – Joining Kevin’s No Theme Thursday”

  1. Awesome post and Hold On was very relatable! 🙂 Magical beans work wonders!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I enjoy those magic beans in the morning, Thanks Sirius👍

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Love that lizardman image!! Haha. 🤣
    Great song choice!


    1. As soon as Kevin posted those three they came home with me 😂👍

      Liked by 1 person

      1. And you made a perfect post of all of them! Great job 👏👏

        Liked by 1 person

  3. You do go on, Brother

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It them damn magical beans I tell ya! 👍😁


  4. Awesone Post and so much truth and words of encouragement.

    We all need to change our old ways. While I know the feeling first hand of needing a good scream or cry once in a while and with the frustration of having people on the other side of the phone just ramble or also scream at you, I also can relate as a Christian that Love, Peace, Patience, and Understanding should always be my first approach and reaction .

    Thats why I treasure my imperfections sometimes, because I know I will fail, but I have been given the chance to do it over again.

    Anywho… Great Post and love the pictures.

    Peace, Love and Thursday Never Looking Back.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much and yes, i get many chances to do it over and over again lol. You can teach an old dawg new tricks!


  5. I’m right there in the red zone with you, brother! Love it! And always love the Led Zep! Fantastic! 🤘😎🤘
    Is it live? Or is it Memorex??

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Is it live? Or is it Memorex?? I love it!!! brought back a blast from the past with that one! 😂😁👍Glad you liked it

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