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A Book Report


After the first semester I present to you my report card on the progress I am trying to make with this whole book thing.

After enrolling in “Word” I found it more like algebra so transferred classes and went with “Canva”. My grades improved greatly and the learning curve became much easier.

Now here I am enrolled in summer school so I can up my grades and try to maintain a “higher” level of enlightenment to present a completed project.

In other words

I am trying to make a book
So you could open and take at look
Read a funny or sad little verse
Leave with a chuckle or even a curse


After imposing a detention for myself, I am going for extra credits by staying in class longer and trying to pay more attention, the problem I’m having though is I drift off after losing focus. Kind of like watching a movie in class right after lunch period. zzz’s soon follow.

Mid Book Crisis

My biggest obstacle in this process is the gears in my mind. Sometimes they jam up and leave me busting ass to repair the damage that happens when you think the machine is running smooth. This is turn requires overtime studying which leaves me feeling like I need a tutor to speed thoughts along.

Of course this isn’t true as slowing down is a much better idea for success and a better presentation which is the final goal right?

Hooky is on the menu today
I need some time just to play
So I write on my blog instead
Taking time to clear my head

Have a great, Happy and Blessed Saturday my friends!

2024 ©

Bark or Growl here

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15 responses to “A Book Report”

  1. Did you already finish your book, Ernie? If not, don’t worry about the cover until you’ve finished the book. The size of the book affects the cover.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, i found out that I will have to resize my cover when I finished. It will be awhile, lol I just finished one section of it. Have a great day.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Willie Torres Jr. Avatar
    Willie Torres Jr.

    Blessings Brother.

    This was a fun read. You had a bit of everything. Serious moments, humor, poetry, vent. The only thing missing was the mention of over-dosing on muddy water.

    Don’t stay in detention too long… And don’t worry, getting things in motion is always the hard part, but once you get it going, it’s going to be Joyful Noise. And when that first proof copy comes in the mail, it will all be worth it.

    You Got this….

    Have a Great Night…. Make sure to get much needed rest…

    Peace, Love and Count those Sheep.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks a lot Willie, Hope the sheep are few. Sleep well my friend😫💤

      Liked by 2 people

      1. 😂👍🏻💤🐑😴

        Liked by 2 people

  3. The ‘mid book crisis’ made me chuckle. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Glad you liked it Bridget😁

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Sounds like you know where you’re at as well as what you’re doing to get where you want to be. We should all be so lucky. Write on.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ron, I am not seeing any of your posts on reader.


  5. Blessed Saturday to you!
    I laughed at “mid-book crisis” lol 😆
    We often do need a little hooky time to clear our heads 😊

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Yes, I need to step back and slow down. I tried to like your post this morning and leave a comment but couldn’t find the comment section on your site.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Yes, I need to step back and slow down. I tried to like your post this morning and leave a comment but couldn’t find the comment section on your site. Home Again was a very touching poem that resonated deeply with me.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you kindly for saying that 😊 I actually ended up disabling comments on this post (don’t usually do that) so that’s probably why you couldn’t find them – but your words mean a lot to me and are very much appreciated 🙏

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Ok, so glad it’s not my mind lol

          Liked by 2 people

          1. It’s not, lol no worries
